Thompson Wellness Collective

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pH: What's All The Buzz About?

There's been a buzz about pH and what to do about it, but what does it mean?

pH stands for potential Hydrogen, referring to the Hydrogen ion concentration in the body. All body activity produces acid, especially exercise.

Liver function is primary in pH control through the production of urea and the kidneys control the level of alkali bicarbonate, which helps control the acid/alkaline balance. 

Overcooked foods and poor adrenal, liver, kidney function causes poor pH control. Also, low thyroid patients may have trouble oxidizing their food to produce buffers for the acids in the body. So, trying to treat the pH specifically may or may not produce the best results long term. 

What can altered pH cause? This is a broad topic and can effect a wide variety of systems in the body. Diseases of the cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, and neurological systems are all associated with altered pH. Chronic ailments like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, gout and recurrent infections like herpes and candida are also associated with altered pH.

The best thing anyone can do is be on an alkaline/anti-inflammatory/Mediterranean diet.

These types of diets will supply plenty of nutrients and buffers that will help maintain the balance of a very delicate system. However, if you see that by adhering to these types of diets don't put your pH where it should be, then something else may be going on. Find a doctor trained in Nutritional and Functional Medicine to be evaluated in the proper manor.