Thompson Wellness Collective

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Spreading a little holiday cheer with Goji berries

As the holiday season approaches, incorporating healthy snacks into holiday parties could be more beneficial for you than just watching the waistline. Mix this fun fruit with holiday granola topped with a dash of pumpkin spice and spread the holiday cheer. Not only is it quite delectable, but the goji berry has a multitude of health benefits as well.

Goji berries or wolf berries are also known by their proper name as Lycium fruit. Lycium fruit is used extensively in Chinese herbalism. The fruit are the berries of Lycium chinense, more commonly known as Lycium barbarum

Lycium fruit is rich in carotene, vitamins B1 and B12, and vitamin C. Yep you read that correct, this little wonder is a rich source of carotene which is great for hair, skin, and nails. Goji’s also contains amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), iron, and trace elements essential to the body, including zinc, copper, selenium, calcium, and phosphorus which promotes immune and hormonal health.

Lycium fruit is believed to have many different effects upon the body. For thousands of years, it has been used in China to promote a long, vigorous & happy life. In addition to being a longevity enhancing herb, it is said to raise the spirits, fight depression & increase cheerfulness.

Stay healthy my friends,
Dr. Don