Thompson Wellness Collective

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Welcome to Thompson Wellness Collective’s blog. I plan to have a lot of information here and I hope you are able to find something useful. We all have health challenges in our lives whether they be physical, chemical or emotional. I started Thompson Wellness Collective as a place that would help people with their health challenges that encompass the whole person not just the symptom they're experiencing. 

     I became a Chiropractor because it was a Chiropractor that helped me when the only other options were drugs and surgery. As that journey continued I found that it was the Chiropractor that was the one helping me with the allergies I was experiencing, the digestive issues I was having and in essence all the complaints I was having. Who was this magical doctor?? He was a Functional Medicine doctor. He knew more chemistry and physiology that any doctor I had seen. Science classes were always my best subject, but I was INSPIRED and it changed my path. 

     The goal of Thompson Wellness Collective is to educate and guide those seeking help for various health conditions, whether they be acute or chronic, that might be reduced or remedied with natural medicine. While people may think that you have to choose natural medicine or western medicine, the truth is that they can both exist at the same time. Often natural medicine, used properly, can complement western medicine in a way that gets greater effects for the individual. Thompson Wellness Collective is your place not only to maintain wellness, but to achieve it.

- Dr. Don Thompson D.C., CFMP, DACBN