Bovine Colostrum: The Super Supplement for Accelerated Recovery & Repair

Colostrum, the “first food of life” for every new-born mammal including humans, is essential to healthy growth and development. It’s been called a superfood, a medical food, and Mother Nature’s miracle supplement. And it’s been used to improve athletic performance, promote healthy aging, knock down inflammation, restore gut health, and optimize immune function.

However you refer to colostrum, or if you’ve never heard of it, please don’t call it “too good to be true.” Colostrum is generally believed to be the one nutritional substance to guarantee a species’ survival. In fact, all mammals except humans won’t survive if they don’t receive the vital immune and growth factors contained in their mother’s colostrum.

From such observations has sprung forth great interest in the more than 200 components that comprise colostrum, and research has sought to demonstrate the benefits of colostrum supplementation beyond infancy.

Bovine colostrum supplements have been safely used my doctors and practitioners with great success for many years. Patients have seen numerous benefits including:

  1. Accelerated repair and decreased recovery time after a soft-tissue injury

  2. Elimination or significant reduction of pain

  3. Halt of further tissue destruction by healing a leaky gut

  4. Optimization of the immune system

So how did we come to the understanding that colostrum accelerates recovery and repair? For this, we need to look no further than the athletic performance research. It was revealed that the same growth factors that close an infant’s leaky gut right after birth are also helpful in burning fat, building lean muscle, increasing strength, shortening recovery time, and preventing illness after vigorous exercise.

Much of the knowledge showing that bovine colostrum supplementation is advantageous to athletic performance was gained from early research with Olympic and highly trained athletes. Studies showed that after four weeks of supplementation, elite athletes had up to a 20% increase in strength, stamina, and endurance, and recovery time after intense exercise decreased by nearly half. In turn, athletes could train harder to improve performance.

Colostrum contains large quantities of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) to help promote lean body mass building and utilize adipose tissue for fuel. Unlike synthetic human growth hormone (HGH), the growth factors (hormones) in colostrum are nearly bio-identical to those found in human colostrum, and there are no health risks as with anabolic steroids and HGH.

Experts agree that 20 grams of powdered colostrum daily, along with exercise, is sufficient for fat burning; results are typically seen after four to eight weeks of supplementation. Moreover, athletes tend to experience increased gut permeability with heavy exercise; colostrum can truncate this increase.

Adding to the benefits of IGF-1, transforming growth factor (TGF-α and TGF-β) stimulates repair and replication of DNA and RNA. When intense exercise damages muscle fibers, tendons, and ligaments, TGF, along with fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and epithelial growth factor (EGF), repairs them.

FGF is a powerful stimulator of angiogenesis and a regulator of cellular migration and proliferation. Accelerated repair means that athletes recover more quickly from injuries and can resume training. Less downtime keeps athletes competitive and less likely to miss scheduled events.

In terms of inflammation and pain, colostrum should be considered nature's ultimate remedy. Not only does colostrum contain anti-inflammatory components, such as cytokines and infopeptides, its synergistic relationship with the previously mentioned growth factors and other immune factors, as well as proline-rich polypeptides, is truly remark- able.

Cytokines have been shown to mediate numerous vital biological processes, including inflammation. Infopeptides are a protein derivative that reduce inflammation as well as allow the immune system to reorient and correct its response mechanism against autoimmune disease processes.

Proline-rich polypeptides (PRPs) are a collective com- pound, also known as colostrinin, that regulates and balances immune response. PRPs relieve pain and swelling by stop- ping the prowess of an overly aggressive immune response, such as overproduction of T-cells and lymphocytes. It stops the overactive immune response that characterizes autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Colostrum’s athletic benefits parallel its anti-aging benefits—burning fat, maintaining or building muscle, increasing bone density, accelerating repair after an injury, and healing gut permeability. Some would even argue that athletic performance and anti-aging are essentially one and the same.

As older adults choose to remain active well into their later years, bovine colostrum is the perfect foundational supplement to ensure maximum vitality with less disability, pain, or premature morbidity. Thus, whether your patients are young athletes or mature adults, colostrum used in combination with your adjustments and prescribed exercises, helps patients retain or regain muscular strength, decrease recovery time, and reduce inflammation and pain. Certainly, a patient who isn’t experiencing pain is more likely to do his or her exercises, and as their strength improves, they’re less likely to aggravate an existing injury or cause a new one. So, don’t refer to bovine colostrum as “too good to be true.” Call it the “super supplement” for people of all ages who desire optimal health and well-being.

Just click the link below to experience the best quality, professional grade colostrum for yourself.

Special thanks to Douglas A. Wyatt.


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