Thompson Wellness Collective

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Dr. Don Thompson’s Story

Why I do what I do…

My mother and father were both pharmacists, and my dad eventually became a medical doctor. My parents raised me on the belief that anything not approved by the traditional medical establishment was an invalid treatment. However, In the late '90s my father became ill with what was diagnosed as herpetic encephalitis, a viral infection of the brain.

He lost his short term memory.

We typically relate what happened to him similar to the character, Ten Second Tom, from the movie 50 First Dates. In the movie, Tom only remembered things for only 10 seconds.

In my father's case, he had five minutes before he forgot everything.

This left my dad completely unable to practice medicine- something he'd done his whole professional career. My dad saw a neurologist who said that my dad's disability was permanent and he would never be able to practice medicine again.

My mother was unhappy with this diagnosis and - out of desperation - began taking my father to a functional medicine doctor, chiropractor, and homeopath. After a year of treatments, my dad was evaluated again by the neurologist.

The neurologist was amazed at Dad's improvement and said that Dad recovered so significantly that he could practice medicine again. He was stunned at how wholly my dad had regained his short-term cognitive recall.

Even though this is a sad story, it has a happy ending. If not for these events, I wouldn't be where I am today. Before my father's event I had no intention or desire to go into a medical field, but after my father's illness and recovery, a whole new world of possibilities opened up.

It was then that I made the career decision to move into Chiropractic and Functional Medicine, for which I am eternally grateful. In this field, I am able to give real help and health while treating every person as an individual, not just a diagnosis.

Schedule an appointment to see how my services can help you.