Four Ways Chiropractic Care Can Benefit Your Digestive System

If you're one of the millions of Americans that have digestive issues you may want to check out Chiropractic. You might say, "how is getting my back cracked going to help my gut?" Well, let me tell you.

1 - Chiropractic Care Enables Proper Nerve Function

All the nerves that go to your gut come from your spine. And if those nerves are being pressed on in the slightest it can interfere with the normal nerve flow to the gut or any organ for that matter.

As a matter of fact, the weight of a dime on a nerve will impede the nerve function by 50% in a matter of minutes. (graphic)

So, if there are misalignments in the spine they could be messing with the gut.

2 - Balances the Nervous Systems

Chiropractic can help a lot of gut issues by also balancing the nervous systems. It helps your body shift out of the sympathetic (fight or flight, run from the bear) and into the parasympathetic (rest & digest or rest & repair) nervous systems.

You can see in the name the parasympathetics are in charge of digestion. If my brain thinks I'm running from a bear why would I need to digest my food or do anything with digestion?

3 - Balancing Gut Microbes

Another thing that a lot of Chiropractors might help you figure out if the microbes in your gut are in balance or if there's something that doesn't belong there. I like to call those "critters".

There is a common misconception that we do not have a parasite problem in the United States because we are a developed country. I am here to tell you that critters are still a problem for a lot of people in the US, but the good news is, they can be treated naturally.

Mind you, not all chiropractors deal with parasites, but certain ones do. Look for extra letters behind the name like CFMP, DACBN, DABCI, to name a few; or just ask the office you call if that’s something they might deal with.

4 - Manipulation Of The Ileocecal Valve

Another technique I like to use in the office to help people with gut issues is the manipulation of a valve in the gut called the Ileocecal valve. 

“The ileocecal valve is a sphincter muscle situated at the junction of the ileum (last portion of your small intestine) and the colon (first portion of your large intestine). Its function is to allow digested food materials to pass from the small intestine into your large intestine. The ileocecal valve also blocks these waste materials from backing back up into your small intestine. It is intended to be a one-way valve, only opening up to allow processed foods to pass through.” (Source)

You can see how this valve is really important to your digestive system and having this valve adjusted can actually help with all kinds of issues. These  include: shoulder pain, lightheadedness, nausea, ringing in the ears, low back pain for no reason, recurrent sinus infections, dizziness, chest pain, heart fluttering and headaches.

Main Takeaway

Using a variety of techniques including chiropractic care might help alleviate your digestive/gut issues and positively impact other issues that may be affected by your poorly functioning digestive system.

Since every system in the body is connected to one another, treating one area has a ripple effect throughout your whole body. 

Schedule an appointment today if you're interested in seeing if chiropractic care can help with your digestion.


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