Staying healthy during the holidays

Health, especially staying healthy during the holidays, is a "spectrum disorder". Much like life itself. 

Meaning, there are a lot of variations or range of linked conditions, and can sometimes have singular symptoms. While one person can eat that slice of pumpkin pie and be okay with the sweet treat another person might just look at it and get inflamed to the core. 

We are all different and so is our health. These differences can be exacerbated during the holidays because we usually are out of our normal routines. We may be traveling more, are experiencing added stress, less sleep, and greater temptations to eat different foods than we would on a regular basis. 

Now, the real choice to ask yourself is, “do I want that delectable pie bad enough to pay the price?” Oftentimes at the holidays the answer is going to be a resounding, “YES. Gimme that pie!”

Ultimately, the above scenario comes down to one thing. A choice. We all make choices everyday and in many ways, but a lot of health choices stem from your mindset. Have you made up your mind about your health and how you want to feel? Are you making the right choices or at least believe you're making the right choices to achieve your health goal? Do you believe that you can make good-for-you choices?

Now, there's nothing wrong with treating yourself at the holidays but we do want to be careful and LISTEN to your body. I tell people all the time that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and this thing (your body) has a mind of its own. 

You just have to learn to listen to your body and make the choice that is going to align with your bigger goals. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. We all fall off the wagon from time to time. That's typically a holiday thing. Just because you do, it doesn't mean you've failed or you're hopeless, so don’t give up. You only fail when you quit trying.

Personally, I don't always make the best decisions (surprise, I’m human!). When that happens I try to turn away from those decisions once again, forgive myself for making a mistake and move on. Key phrase: Move on.

Keep pursuing choices that align with what you actually want, but make sure it's in an organized fashion. Bouncing around from one health trend to the next is NOT ideal for anyone. Bouncing from one doctor to the next can make for too many cooks in the kitchen. This can actually delay your progress and you may end up off worse. 

However, having your own team of docs that have similar viewpoints with varying skills that can have your back is a great thing to have and a blessing if you can make that team happen.

Main Takeaways:

  • Be clear about your health goals and make decisions that align with those goals. 

  • If (and more likely, when) you fall off the wagon don't kick yourself while you're down. Just move on, turn away from the poor decisions and back to the good decisions you know you can make. You don’t have to wait until “Monday”, you can start again right now, at the next meal, etc. 

  • Evaluate your healthcare team and make the necessary changes if needed (except for Dr. Don, a good special team is hard to find ;)).

If you want to extra support this season with your unique body and its unique health, see how we can help! 


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