Nashville’s New Chiropractic Internist

You're looking at Nashville's new Chiropractic Internist.

If you're new around here, I am a Chiropractic Physician, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Board Certified Clinical Nutrition (DACBN) and now a Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Internists (DABCI).

That's a mouthful!

To put it plainly, I approach health holistically and aim to better the health of my patients with natural medicine through my certifications as a chiropractor, functional medicine practitioner, and now a chiropractic internist.

Thompson Wellness Collective was founded to go beyond just treating symptoms. Our individualized medical practices promote long-term healing and bring you to the root of wellness, and this new certification is another way to do just that.

What does a chiropractic internist certification mean?

It doesn't just mean more letters at the end of one’s name, it shows a deeper understanding of diagnostic medicine with the use of natural remedies for treatment.

This is how chiropractors used to practice back in the day before they focused their work solely on adjustments. With the introduction and popularity of insurance in the 1980s many practitioners fell into the trap of only performing those services for which the patient had coverage, i.e. the spinal adjustment.

A chiropractic internist is a doctor of chiropractic that has gone through a comprehensive, postgraduate course and testing to achieve board certification from the American Board of Chiropractic Internists. 

This Chiropractic Internist Program was created based on the original chiropractic approach and belief that everything in the body is interconnected with the addition of today’s modern advancements in diagnosis and treatment. 

Why see a Chiropractic Internist?

Chiropractic Internists (DABCI) have a deeper understanding of the root causes of health issues so they can diagnose conditions and diseases as a general practitioner or internist in the medical field would.

We use your health history, blood work, physical exam, stool analysis, urine analysis, and many more diagnostics modalities to assess patients.

This work aims to answer not only “What is going on?”, but also “Why is this happening?”

How do Chiropractic Internists treat their patients?

The diagnostic process DABCI’s use compared to a general practitioner is similar, the main difference is we do not treat patients with surgery or prescription medications, but instead with natural remedies.

We use natural therapies such as herbs, homeopathics, vitamins, and minerals. Often, lifestyle changes, such as exercise and dietary alterations, are put into motion, along with stress management techniques.

We use supplements and remedies to jump-start a particular biochemical pathway or support detoxification, for instance, while patients work with lifestyle modifications. 

By performing in this way we are gearing up to “maintain the gain” in hopes that one day we can completely remove our therapy and the patient remains healthy and resistant to future complications or re-infections.

We want you to actually be healthy, not to merely have your symptoms repressed.

The difference between a Chiropractic Internist and a Functional Medicine Practitioner:

These two professions are very similar in the way that they approach health holistically and use natural remedies for treatment. The major difference is in their specialties, or focus. 

Chiropractic Internist studies focus on the diagnosis of the condition while Functional Medicine is based in biology and focuses on natural treatment remedies. 

These certifications are complementary to one another and are proving to be a well-rounded, or holistic, approach to treating patients.  

Benefits of the Chiropractic Internist Approach:

  • Aims to treat the cause of the disease not just the symptom

  • Treats the body as a whole and often addresses many issues because of this

  • Low risk due to the use of natural remedies

  • Non-invasive treatments

The treatments used by Chiropractic Internists are safe and extremely effective with a patient-centered approach. The number one benefit of a Chiropractic Internist is that we specialize in listening to our patients. We make sure to listen your needs, treat you as an individual, and never give up on getting you to optimal health

If you’d like to become a patient, schedule an appointment today!


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