New Nutrigenomic Testing

We’re offering a new genetics test here at Thompson Wellness Collective that you can order online and take right at home.

In recent times we’ve seen a hot trend in testing your genetic code. With the advent of 23 and Me and Ancestry genetic testing it became a social trend to see what your genetics looked like.

For a lot of people this gave them an excuse for some of their health issues, but no support. At the same time, these companies are turning around and selling the data to Big Pharma!


What we're doing is different.

 how this Nutrigenomics Test is different

First of all, the lab we use does NOT sell your data. Second, our lab doesn't just run every single marker in the genetic code, but has tirelessly dug through the data to find the markers that are most applicable to optimal human health. 

With these markers we are able to identify dysfunctions that prevent even the best nutrition from being put to use in your body.

Not only that, but our lab has partnered with one of the top pharmaceutical grade supplement companies, Professional Health Products, that has paired specific products to match deficiencies found on the testing.

Since there are copious amounts of variations for each individual we are able to provide several alternatives for support of those variants.

What’s included with your Test Results

This test is geared towards specific health markers and gives you individualized insight into your genetic profile so you can make the healthiest choices for your body.

You'll get detailed information on how your genes play a role in:

  • allergy/histamine tolerance

  • blood sugar regulation

  • cardiovascular function

  • detoxification

  • energy and metabolism

  • gastrointestinal/digestion

  • neurological and mood

  • inflammation and even vitamin metabolism


We think this testing provides foundational information that can make a huge difference in your health and want everyone to have the opportunity to take it, not only our patients. 


What does this nutrigenomics test cost?

This test costs $300, which includes full nutritional and supplemental recommendations PLUS an initial protocol to start with recommended by me, Dr. Don (*Supplements not included in price).

If you want the opportunity to meet, virtually or in person, with me to go over what your test results mean, you can add on an appointment for the discounted price of $100.


If you would like to take advantage of this testing or have a family member or friend that could benefit from this, or to if you would like to learn more about this Nutrigenomics Test, click here.


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