Nutrition Don Thompson Nutrition Don Thompson

To Mix or Vitamix?

Blending, juicing, and more but what is the best way to optimize your nutrition? There are a lot of options available and there are a lot of misconceptions as well and I’d like to got through some of them.

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Nutrition Don Thompson Nutrition Don Thompson

Not all salt is created equal. Here's why:

Table salt is officially not cool. Along with evidence that shows the added iodine in the salt supply could precipitate thyroid problems (the very thing it was put there to prevent), it is also higher in sodium that other, more natural, sea salts.

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Nutrition Don Thompson Nutrition Don Thompson

Corn 101: A Little About The Not So Cool Side Of Corn

Corn is one of the number one crops in the U.S. But, did you know that genetically modified corn is made by joining together parts of viruses (promoter) and other infectious genetic parasites (plasmids and transposons) that spread antibiotic and multiple drug resistance genes via a process termed Horizontal Gene Transfer (You really don't want to know the specific pathogens on this one. It's super gross).

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